Monday, March 19, 2007

Popular MMO World of Warcraft in Serious Limbo

AP March 19, San Jose California A member of the IRS speaking on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject recently told that popular video game maker Blizzard Entertainment out of Westwood Studios has recently been audited by the IRS and serious tax enfringements have been found in their tax record. Blizzard, the makers of ultra successful games such as Star Craft and World of Warcraft, is in the process of having several key company assests seized and the future of the multimillion dollar franchise of World of Wacraft appears to be in serious jeopardy if the allegations against Blizzard turn out to be true. World of Warcraft has millions of subscribers all over the world and is one of the most successful games of all time. However, with the millions upon millions of dollars coming into the California based company, the potential for this sort of tax evasion is very great and things look very troubling for this once proud franchise. Servers will begin to go offline April 1st, and will be held offline until further investigation can be completed.